Friday, August 12, 2011

Plan to Attend!

We hope you can join us at the 45th reunion of the Bellarmine-Jefferson High School Class of 1966!  It's less than 3 months from now, so make your plans right away.  Now that we're all 60-something (yikes!), let's make the most of getting together with old friends.  

If you attended the 40th reunion in 2006, you'll remember the great memories and good conversation we shared. Let's do more of the same, but let's make it even better!  This will be more low-key than past reunions -- no band, no dancing -- just  wear something comfortable, and relax and have fun.  In fact, we'll be gathering in a suite rather than a banquet room to help keep the cost down.

Speaking of cost, some of the organizers have already made a deposit to hold the room for the event, and we're trying to gauge the number of people who will attend. The sooner you can get your payments in, the more it will help.    If you want to pay online you can easily do that right here; otherwise you can send a check.

One other note about cost.  The Marriott is offering a special rate of $112.00 per night which includes a reduced parking fee of $10.00.  If you're planning to stay at the Marriott the night of the reunion, it's important to use the special package deal that's offered, rather than a senior discount,, or some other travel site.  If we don't meet the minimum number of rooms booked under the reservation code Bell-Jeff Class of 66, we're on the hook for those rooms.  I checked the other rates I mentioned, and they're all comparable.  And the only way to get the reduced parking fee is to use our reservation code.

Bring photos and memorabilia (digital or otherwise).  If you have old photos from high school, we'd love to see them.

And let's all bring a few stories with us.  Dig deep down into your memories (although that's getting harder to do every day!).  Here are some examples:
  • Remember the "Scarlett Letter" in Freshman Year?  We all had to read it.  Well, it seems that some of us didn't; and one day at lunch, right before English class, Robert Nassaney was telling us he hadn't read it.  So we told him not to worry -- we'd tell him the story if he would volunteer to tell it in class.  We proceeded to tell him some wild story that was nothing like the real thing, and sure enough he kept his part of the bargain.  When we got to class and the teacher asked who wanted to talk about the story, Robert raised his hand -- and proceeded to tell a tale that had nothing at all to do with the Scarlett Letter.  Who was the nun who taught that class, and who was with me in the group that day that egged on poor Robert to do such a thing? 
  • It's still a mystery as to who was behind all that popcorn that decorated the flagpole one Monday morning.  Bill's Ranch Market had something to do with it.  And there was the predictable P.A.  announcement that day when Sister Mary Carroll threatened that if they found out who did it, it would go -- where else -- on their permanent records!
That's it for now.  Check back often for other updates, and if you're not already receiving updates by email, fill in the box for email updates at the top right and you'll be notified each time we post new information.  We hope to see you on October 28!